Sales of Virginia distilled spirits soared during Virginia Spirits Month, with an unprecedented 70 percent increase over the 2016 Virginia Spirits Month sales. The month-long celebration of Virginia distilleries and spirits through a collaborative effort by the Virginia Governor’s Office, Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC), Virginia ABC and Virginia Distillers Association (VDA) raised sales by 70.2 percent at distilleries and 53.5 percent in stores.
“Virginia Spirits Month was a tremendous success, yielding tangible results for our distilling industry, consumers and many partners in between, from restaurants to state government,” stated Gareth H. Moore, VDA president and CEO of Virginia Distillery Company. “The results are proof positive that partnering with organizations like Virginia ABC and VTC can create economic benefits both now and for many years to come.”
Virginia Spirits Month concluded with a celebration at Virginia’s Executive Mansion with Governor Terry McAuliffe. “The distilled spirits industry has played a role in Virginia’s economy for hundreds of years and today it continues to support our farmers and tourism industry, creating jobs in every corner of the Commonwealth,” said Governor Terry McAuliffe. “I am pleased to see our homegrown distilled spirits companies develop into national leaders and I congratulate them on their contributions to our new Virginia economy. I hope my fellow Virginians join me in raising a glass to the proud history and bright future of the spirits industry in the Commonwealth.”

Author: Chris Murphy