Williamsburg Winery invites select group of cyclists to participate in first-ever miles for meals event
Four days, 50 riders, 289 miles. Those are the final numbers the Williamsburg Winery anticipates will close out its inaugural Tour de Virginia fundraiser.
The Tour de Virginia, per the Williamsburg Winery team, is in a league of its own. The unique route and pre-planned stops along the four-day cycling tour are different from those of other cycling fundraisers or casual bike trips along local trails. The Tour de Virginia is a chance for avid cyclists to serve the community while simultaneously experiencing the rich history, culture and flavor the Commonwealth has to offer.
When: Thursday, September 23, 2021 to Sunday, September 26, 2021
Who: The Williamsburg Winery will host fifty riders from across the country to embark on a four day, three-night cycling trip. Providing support to the riders are event sponsors Williamsburg Area Meals on Wheels, Riverside, Mercedes-Benz of Hampton, Conte’s Bike Shop and Hincapie.
Where: The inaugural Tour de Virginia departs early Monday morning from the scenic grounds of Wessex Hundred. Riders traverse the route in one of two groups, organized by speed, and finish their first 74 miles of cycling in Virginia’s capital city. While in Richmond, riders nosh on local fare, explore Bear Creek Lake State Park and get a full night’s rest before heading out early Tuesday morning for Farmville. After traversing the 81 miles to Farmville, riders travel east to Petersburg on Wednesday where they can experience the Petersburg National Battlefield and dine on Central Virginia eats. The Tour de Virginia ends 64 miles later with the return of riders to the Williamsburg Winery where cyclists will reunite with friends and family for a wine-filled after party.
Why: In light of the COVID-19 crisis and national shortage of food and access thereto, the Williamsburg Winery brainstormed with longtime partner, Williamsburg Area Meals on Wheels, to host a fundraiser that combined philanthropy, fitness, food and fun. For every four miles riders complete during the Tour de Virginia, a hot, nutritious meal is donated to the community.
Cost: A $1,500 ticket secures riders food and lodging. The winery’s on-site hotel, Wedmore Place, is currently accepting reservations for evening stays before and after the tour with exclusive discounts for riders.
Learn more at WilliamsburgWinery.com/Tour-de-Virginia

Author: Grace Silipigni